the ninth planet

At the ninth planet, we help businesses and non-profits catalyse more profound social impact together through collaborative partnerships

social impact partnerships

We believe that only through collaborative partnerships can we achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Co-Create New Innovative Solutions
Community Insights & Trust
Employee Recruitment & Engagement

Partnering Benefits for Business

Competitive Differentiation
Complementary Skills & Expertise
Increase Social Return on Investment

Moving beyond CSR to partner with non-profits opens new avenues for innovation, value creation and strengthening community engagement to realise your purpose and accelerate your ESG impact

Partnering Benefits for Non-Profits...

Moving beyond CSR to partner with purpose-driven businesses open new avenues for innovation and impact.

Co-create New Innovative Solutions
Sustainable Impact
Knowledge Resources
Complementary Skills & Expertise
Increased Influence
Grow Social Impact

Get in touch


the ninth planet
Centre for S
ocial Innovation
192 Spadina Ave.
Suite 300
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2